
Star ChemicalsAgro Chemical Products

Agrochemicals are chemicals that are made and manufactured to defend the yield from diseases, weeds, and insects to increase the yields and to decrease the loss.

Agrochemicals are basically mixed with specified amounts of water and are applied on crops, seeds, soils and irrigation water to prevent the crops from diseases and insect attacks. In India every year, about 25-30% of crop is lost due to the attack of virus, fungus and insects. Overall Indian crops are dealing with almost 20,000 + weed species, 10,000 + plant-eating insect species, and 3000 + nematodes species. STAR CHEMICALS working as the backbone of Indian agriculture to give better yields and for crop protection. According to Industry experts the pesticides used by Indian farmers had saved their expenses and given a huge boost to their yields and doubled their incomes in past many more or less perfect quantity, quality and using technique of agrochemicals is needed to save extra cost on food and farmers.

Agrochemicals Classes
Agrochemicals Industry is divided into four major classes that are fungicides, herbicides, insecticides, Plant Growth Promoter.

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